Source code for tensormonk.layers.condconv2d

""" TensorMONK :: layers :: CondConv2d """

__all__ = ["CondConv2d"]

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class CondConv2d(torch.nn.Module): r"""Conditional Convolution (`"CondConv: Conditionally Parameterized Convolutions for Efficient Inference" <>`_). Args: tensor_size (tuple, required): Input tensor shape in BCHW (None/any integer >0, channels, height, width). n_kernels (int, required): number of kernels that are used for routing. filter_size (tuple/int, required): size of kernel, integer or tuple of length 2. out_channels (int, required): output tensor.size(1) strides (int/tuple, optional): integer or tuple of length 2, (default=:obj:`1`). pad (bool, optional): When True, pads to replicates input size for strides=1 (default=:obj:`True`). groups (int, optional): Enables grouped convolution (default=:obj:`1`). :rtype: :class:`torch.Tensor` # TODO: Include normalization and activation similar to Convolution? """ def __init__(self, tensor_size: tuple, n_experts: int, filter_size: int, out_channels: int, strides: int = 1, pad: bool = True, groups: int = 1): super(CondConv2d, self).__init__() if not isinstance(tensor_size, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("CondConv2d: tensor_size must be tuple/list: " "{}".format(type(tensor_size).__name__)) tensor_size = tuple(tensor_size) if not len(tensor_size) == 4: raise ValueError("CondConv2d: tensor_size must be of length 4: " "{}".format(len(tensor_size))) self.t_size = tensor_size if not isinstance(filter_size, (int, list, tuple)): raise TypeError("CondConv2d: filter_size must be int/tuple/list: " "{}".format(type(filter_size).__name__)) if isinstance(filter_size, int): filter_size = (filter_size, filter_size) filter_size = tuple(filter_size) if not len(filter_size) == 2: raise ValueError("CondConv2d: filter_size must be of length 2: " "{}".format(len(filter_size))) if not isinstance(n_experts, int): raise TypeError("CondConv2d: n_experts must be int: " "{}".format(type(n_experts).__name__)) if not (n_experts > 1): raise ValueError("CondConv2d: n_experts must be >= 2: " "{}".format(n_experts)) if not type(out_channels) == int: raise TypeError("CondConv2d: out_channels must be int: " "{}".format(type(out_channels).__name__)) if not (out_channels >= 1): raise ValueError("CondConv2d: out_channels must be >= 1: " "{}".format(groups)) if not isinstance(strides, (int, list, tuple)): raise TypeError("CondConv2d: strides must be int/tuple/list: " "{}".format(type(strides).__name__)) if isinstance(strides, int): strides = (strides, strides) strides = tuple(strides) if not len(strides) == 2: raise ValueError("CondConv2d: strides must be of length 2: " "{}".format(len(strides))) self.strides = strides if not type(groups) == int: raise TypeError("CondConv2d: groups must be int: " "{}".format(type(groups).__name__)) if tensor_size[1] % groups != 0: raise ValueError("CondConv2d: groups must be divisble by input " "channels: {}".format(groups)) c, (fh, fw) = tensor_size[1], filter_size # routing weights self.routing_ws = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(tensor_size[1], n_experts)) nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.routing_ws) # convolutional weights self.weight = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(n_experts, out_channels, c // groups, fh, fw)) nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.weight) self.compute_osize(tensor_size, pad) def forward(self, tensor: torch.Tensor): n, c, h, w = tensor.shape n_experts, oc, ic, fh, fw = self.weight.shape # routing o = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(tensor, 1).view(n, c).contiguous() routing = o @ self.routing_ws routing = routing.sigmoid() # replicate for all the channels routing = routing.repeat_interleave(oc, dim=1).contiguous() routing = routing.view(n, n_experts, oc, 1, 1, 1) # get convolution weights per sample -- dim-1 is n_experts ws = (routing * self.weight.unsqueeze(0)).sum(1) # convolution if self.pad is not None: tensor = F.pad(tensor, self.pad) n, c, h, w = tensor.shape o = F.conv2d(tensor.view(1, n*c, h, w), ws.view(-1, ic, fh, fw), stride=self.strides, groups=n * (c // ic)) return o.view(n, oc, o.size(-2), o.size(-1)).contiguous() def __repr__(self): isz = "Bx" + "x".join(map(str, self.t_size[1:])) osz = "Bx" + "x".join(map(str, self.tensor_size[1:])) return "CondConv2d: n_experts={}; {} -> {}".format( self.weight.shape[0], isz, osz) def compute_osize(self, tensor_size: tuple, pad: bool): if not pad: self.pad = None tensor = torch.rand(1, *tensor_size[1:]) with torch.no_grad(): t_size = F.conv2d(tensor, self.weight[0].data, stride=self.strides).shape self.tensor_size = (None, self.weight.shape[-4], t_size[2], t_size[3]) else: _, _, h, w = tensor_size sh, sw = self.strides fh, fw = self.weight.shape[-2], self.weight.shape[-1] nh = h if sh == 1 else (h // 2 + (h % 2 > 0)) nw = w if sw == 1 else (w // 2 + (w % 2 > 0)) ph = max((nh - 1) * sh + fh - h, 0) pw = max((nw - 1) * sw + fw - w, 0) self.pad = (pw - pw // 2, pw // 2, ph - ph // 2, ph // 2) self.tensor_size = (None, self.weight.shape[-4], nh, nw)