Source code for tensormonk.detection.nofpn_fpn

""" TensorMONK's :: detection :: NoFPN & FPN layers

* Implementation may vary when compared to what is refered as the intension was
not to replicate but to have the flexibility to utilize concepts across several

# TODO: More options for Block

__all__ = ["BiFPNLayer", "FPNLayer", "PAFPNLayer", "NoFPNLayer"]

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ..layers import FeatureFusion
from .config import CONFIG

[docs]class Block(nn.Module): r"""DepthWiseSeparable + FeatureFusion or FeatureFusion + DepthWiseSeparable. (`EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection <>`_) Args: encoding_depth (int, required): depth of all the input tensor's n_features (int, required): #Features to fuse. When n_features = 1, FeatureFusion is performed with input and the ouput of DepthWiseSeparable layer. Otherwise, FeatureFusion is performed on all the inputs, followed by DepthWiseSeparable layers. fusion (str, optional): fusion logic after resizing all the tensor's to match the first tensor in the list/tuple/args using bilinear interpolation. Options - :obj:`"sum"`, :obj:`"fast-normalize"`, :obj:`"softmax"`. (default = :obj:`"softmax"`) # TODO: More options for Block """ def __init__(self, encoding_depth: int, n_features: int, fusion: str = "softmax"): super(Block, self).__init__() assert n_features >= 1 and isinstance(n_features, int) self.n_features = n_features self.depthwise = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(encoding_depth, encoding_depth, 3, 1, 1, bias=False, groups=encoding_depth), nn.BatchNorm2d(encoding_depth, momentum=0.003, eps=0.5e-3)) self.pointwise = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(encoding_depth, encoding_depth, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(encoding_depth, momentum=0.003, eps=0.5e-3)) self.fusion = FeatureFusion(n_features if n_features > 1 else 2, fusion) def forward(self, *args) -> torch.Tensor: assert len(args) == self.n_features tensor = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else self.fusion(*args) o = self.depthwise(tensor) o = o * o.sigmoid() o = self.pointwise(o) o = o * o.sigmoid() return self.fusion(tensor, o) if len(args) == 1 else o
[docs]class NoFPNLayer(nn.Module): r"""Residual DepthWiseSeparable is used as base block. Args: config (:class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`, required): See :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG` for more details. .. code-block:: none n_scales = 3 ------------ Ex: Base with single FPN layer Pretrained | Detection Layers Ex: ResNet | with anchors -----------|----------------- o | -> o ^ | | | o | -> o ^ | | | o | -> o ^ | | | o | ^ | | | | input | """ def __init__(self, config: CONFIG): super(NoFPNLayer, self).__init__() self.n_scales = len(config.anchors_per_layer) self.encoding_depth = config.encoding_depth self.context = nn.ModuleList([Block(config.encoding_depth, 1, "sum") for _ in range(self.n_scales)]) def forward(self, *args) -> tuple: assert any(isinstance(o, torch.Tensor) for o in args) assert any(o.size(1) == self.encoding_depth for o in args) assert len(args) == self.n_scales return [cnn(o) for cnn, o in zip(self.context, args)]
[docs]class FPNLayer(nn.Module): r"""A modified version of FPN compatible with :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`. Upscale/downscale is done with bilinear interpolation. (`Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection <>`_). Args: config (:class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`, required): See :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG` for more details. .. code-block:: none n_scales = 3 Ex: Base with single FPN layer ------------ ------------------------------ -> o -> o -> o -> low-resolution | ^ | v | v -> o -> o -> o -> | ^ | v | v -> o -> o -> o -> high-resolution ^ | o ^ | input """ def __init__(self, config: CONFIG): super(FPNLayer, self).__init__() self.n_scales = len(config.anchors_per_layer) self.encoding_depth = config.encoding_depth self.fusion = config.body_fpn_fusion assert len(config.anchors_per_layer) > 1, \ "FPNLayer: Must have more than 1 prediction layers to use FPN's" self.down_2_up = nn.ModuleList( [Block(self.encoding_depth, 1 if i == 0 else 2, fusion="sum" if i == 0 else self.fusion) for i in range(self.n_scales)]) def forward(self, *args) -> tuple: assert any(isinstance(o, torch.Tensor) for o in args) assert any(o.size(1) == self.encoding_depth for o in args) assert len(args) == self.n_scales # args are higher to lower resolution --> so flipped args = args[::-1] responses = [] for i, cnn in zip(range(self.n_scales), self.down_2_up): if i == 0: # Residual DepthWiseSeparable responses.append(cnn(args[i])) continue # Weighted DepthWiseSeparable responses.append(cnn(args[i], responses[-1])) return responses[::-1] # flip to output higher to lower resolution
[docs]class PAFPNLayer(nn.Module): r"""A modified version of PAFPN compatible with :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`. Upscale/downscale is done with bilinear interpolation. (`Path aggregation network for instance segmentation <>`_). Args: config (:class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`, required): See :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG` for more details. .. code-block:: none Logic: n_scales = 3 -------------------- low-resolution -> o -> o -> | ^ v | -> o -> o -> | ^ v | high-resolution -> o -> o -> """ def __init__(self, config: CONFIG): super(PAFPNLayer, self).__init__() self.n_scales = len(config.anchors_per_layer) self.encoding_depth = config.encoding_depth self.fusion = config.body_fpn_fusion assert len(config.anchors_per_layer) > 1, \ "PAFPNLayer: Must have more than 1 prediction layers to use FPN's" self.down_2_up = nn.ModuleList( [Block(self.encoding_depth, 1 if i == 0 else 2, fusion="sum" if i == 0 else self.fusion) for i in range(self.n_scales)]) self.up_2_down = nn.ModuleList( [Block(self.encoding_depth, 1 if i == 0 else 2, fusion="sum" if i == 0 else self.fusion) for i in range(self.n_scales)]) def forward(self, *args) -> tuple: assert any(isinstance(o, torch.Tensor) for o in args) assert any(o.size(1) == self.encoding_depth for o in args) assert len(args) == self.n_scales # args are higher to lower resolution --> so flipped args = args[::-1] # down to up intermediate = [] for i, cnn in zip(range(self.n_scales), self.down_2_up): if i == 0: # Residual DepthWiseSeparable intermediate.append(cnn(args[i])) continue # Weighted DepthWiseSeparable intermediate.append(cnn(args[i], intermediate[-1])) # flip for higher to lower resolution intermediate = intermediate[::-1] # up to down responses = [] for i, cnn in zip(range(self.n_scales), self.up_2_down): if i == 0: # Residual DepthWiseSeparable responses.append(cnn(intermediate[i])) continue # Weighted DepthWiseSeparable responses.append(cnn(intermediate[i], responses[-1])) return responses
[docs]class BiFPNLayer(nn.Module): r"""A modified version of BiFPNLayer compatible with :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`. Upscale/downscale is done with bilinear interpolation. (`EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection <>`_). Args: config (:class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG`, required): See :class:`~tensormonk.detection.CONFIG` for more details. .. code-block:: none Logic: n_scales = 4 ------------------- low-resolution o ------> o -> _\_____ ^ | \ \ | o -> o -> o -> ___ | _ ^ | v \ | o -> o -> o -> \ ^ \ | high-resolution o ------> o -> """ def __init__(self, config: CONFIG): super(BiFPNLayer, self).__init__() self.n_scales = len(config.anchors_per_layer) self.encoding_depth = config.encoding_depth self.fusion = config.body_fpn_fusion assert len(config.anchors_per_layer) > 2, \ "BiFPNLayer: Must have more than 2 prediction layers to use FPN's" self.down_2_up = nn.ModuleList( [Block(self.encoding_depth, 2, fusion=self.fusion) for _ in range(self.n_scales - 2)]) self.up_2_down = nn.ModuleList( [Block(self.encoding_depth, 3 if i % (self.n_scales - 1) else 2, fusion=self.fusion) for i in range(self.n_scales)]) def forward(self, *args) -> tuple: assert any(isinstance(o, torch.Tensor) for o in args) assert any(o.size(1) == self.encoding_depth for o in args) assert len(args) == self.n_scales # args are higher to lower resolution --> so flipped args = args[::-1] # down to up intermediate = [] for i, cnn in zip(range(1, self.n_scales-1), self.down_2_up): if i == 1: intermediate.append(cnn(args[i], args[i-1])) continue intermediate.append(cnn(args[i], intermediate[-1])) # flip for higher to lower resolution intermediate = intermediate[::-1] args = args[::-1] # up to down responses = [] for i, cnn in zip(range(self.n_scales), self.up_2_down): if i == 0: responses.append(cnn(args[i], intermediate[i])) continue if i + 1 == self.n_scales: responses.append(cnn(args[i], responses[-1])) continue responses.append(cnn(args[i], intermediate[i-1], responses[-1])) return responses